Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Goodbye Faithful Friend

It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that our beloved dog Tyler departed for heaven yesterday.

Poor Tyler had been on a steady decline over the last few months, becoming more and more listless, with loss of appetite and incontinence, and things came to a head in the wee hours of Monday morning. I awakened to the sounds of his feeble whiny bark. I made my way downstairs and dimly made out his form in the predawn light, huddled in the middle of the living room. I went to him, bent over and urged him to get up so I could let him outside to do his business. I was met with soft whimpering and crying so pitiful that tears immediately sprang to my eyes. Something was very wrong. I tried in vain to lift him off the ground, but he simply could not move; it was as if he was paralyzed. Shocked by his erratic behavior, I raced upstairs to tell Michael. We both curled up on the floor beside him and comforted him and stroked his head, sensing that this was the beginning of the end.

A while later, we were standing in the kitchen and were surprised to see Tyler come wandering slowly toward us. He quietly stood by the back door, as if waiting to go outside. He wandered out to the backyard, Michael left for work, and the boys and I began our day, keeping a watchful eye on Tyler.

A short while later, poor Tyler had collapsed again, this time in the hilly ivy-covered slope of our front yard. We knew the time had come to put the poor guy out of his misery, so we loaded him in the truck and headed for the vet.

The waiting room at the vet clinic was PACKED with people and all manner of dogs and cats, patiently waiting for their appointment. NOT what we wanted to deal with at this particular moment.
Finally we were finally ushered back to an exam room where the vet explained that during her exam of Tyler, she suspected that there was a spinal tumor, which was likely causing his pain and paralysis. She explained the different options of testing, imaging, steroid injection, etc. and said that given his advanced age and condition, there was no guarantee that there was anything that would improve his situation or extend his life. We knew the best choice for him at this time was to be put to sleep.

All four of us were in the room, while the vet inserted the catheter for the procedure.

We told him how much we all loved him and said our final goodbyes…

The whole thing went very quick, almost instantly. And for that I am so thankful. 

Our poor Tyler was finally at peace, with no more pain.

I was walking up the driveway when we returned home later that afternoon 
when something caught my eye…

A watermark, in the shape of a heart, right by the spot where Tyler had collapsed just hours earlier.
I am a firm believer in signs from above, and I had to smile through my tears when I saw this. 
It is so fitting and symbolic of a dog who was well loved and loved everyone.

For 13 1/2 years, we were blessed with a great family pet, 
hunting/camping buddy and faithful companion.

Rest In Peace, Tyler!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Beginnings and A Few Life Lessons

Hello and welcome!

I have decided to kick things up a notch and enter the wonderful world of blogging, like, officially. While it seems like the natural progression of things, I have to admit that it is a little scary taking it to the next level, making it public and all that stuff. It is also exciting as well. It will be a work in progress as I upload older posts into the archives, so check back often for updates!

So we are definitely in the throes of winter weather here in WV. Having grown up in the South, I have to admit that I am somewhat clueless about extreme cold weather. Let me share with you some newly learned life lessons about living in a northern climate:

1.  Dress in layers, layers, layers. Base layers/long underwear-check. Wool socks-check. Snow boots-check. Thick warm coat-check. Hat/Gloves-check,check.Very important when out and about in the cold. If you are dressed properly, it makes all the difference between being warm and comfortable and cold and miserable.

2.  That ice scraper that your spouse bought you WILL come in handy. Yeah, you pretty much have zero visibility without diligently scraping every bit of ice off the windshield. Oh, and whatever you do, DON'T forget to remove the snow drifts off your hood and rear of your vehicle. Because if you don't, you will have a mini-blizzard effect when you are cruising at 60 mph down the interstate...all these beautiful ice crystals will be blown up and dance across your windshield and stick, creating an icy smear, and thus, zero visibility. Not a good thing when driving! As they say, experience is the best teacher!

3.  Yes, it really is necessary to go start your car and let it warm up a few minutes before driving.

4.  Avoid those dark, slick spots on the streets! That means ice. Ice is slippery. Ice is not your friend.

5.  You can NEVER have enough firewood. When it is cold outside, a nice, cozy fire helps heat the house. Plus it is soothing and pretty to look at. There is nothing quite so gratifying as building a big 'ol crackling fire and then sitting back to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Yes indeed, hours of enjoyment and entertainment.

6.  When there are mass quantities of snow, you will be so excited that you will want to bundle up and go outside to play in the snow with your kids. Time to build a snowman! Let me just tell you that when we  I built a snowman recently, the novelty quickly wore off when I realized how labor intensive the making of a man made of snow can be. I mean, all that bending over to scoop up handful after handful of snow is indeed a workout-who knew? It takes A LOT of snow to create the large/medium/small balls which are the key ingredient in building a snowman of tall stature.  And I have to give credit where credit is due and tell you that I build that snowman ALL BY MYSELF. I tried to recruit the boys but I was met with blank stares and then they promptly took off down the driveway to start a snowball fight.

So there you have it.

Little pearls of winter wisdom.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Our Wishes For You In 2014

A year of Health and Happiness…

A year of Wealth and Wisdom…

A year of Peace and Prosperity…

A Year of Love and Laughter...