Last weekend we hit the hiking trials at Kanawha State Forest again.
Coal, (petrified) coal everywhere because, WEST VIRGINIA.
The colors of fall are emerging everywhere you look.
There is nothing quite like a hike on a brisk fall day with the crunch of fallen leaves with each footstep.
Scary "snowball face"
Playground fun
Off and running!
Some festive camper Halloween decor!
Scary "snowball face"
Brotherly love
Thank goodness for picnic tables and self timers: a family portrait
Hey now would be a great time to drop and do 20 push ups!
Scary "snowball face"
The hiking trail goes on forever…
How do you like to go up in the swing, up in the air so blue?
Oh I do think it the pleasantest thing ever a child can do!
A tired happy camper
The WV hills beckon you...